
30daysProject september: Samuela (4) heeft leukemie

Judith van Egmond en Ant van der Plas uit Rijnsburg, komen al jaren in Kosovo en zetten zich daar, met vele andere vrijwilligers, vol in voor mensen in nood. Zo bezoeken ze in oktober 2013 de stad Gjacova en worden ze aangeklampt door een wanhopige jonge moeder: “Willen jullie even mee komen?!” Even later komen […]

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2.268 euro voor cursussen en microkrediet in Togo

In augustus haalden we maar liefst 2.268 euro op voor het Les- en microkrediet-project van Willen Programs in Togo. Met dit prachtige bedrag hebben we Willen Programs in staat kunnen stellen om nog eens 30 nieuwe vrouwen in het project op te nemen! Ter illustratie hieronder een stukje uit hun laatste nieuwsbrief (van eind augustus) […]

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Save Air Pollution

Cutting down on air pollution is an important step in going green. While transportation is the most obvious generator of air pollution, other aspects of your lifestyle also affect the amount of emissions you create, erything from the products you buy, your behaviors at home and the way you handle household waste.

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Protect trees from construction

Are you planning to build or remodel a home? Are your city's streets, curbs, sidewalks, and buried utilities about to be widened, modernized, or replaced? Before you start, consider the impact of construction on plants.

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Save Panda World

The giant panda is a well known (and well loved) species that is being driven to extinction by habitat loss. It has become one of the most endangered mammals in the world, with only 1,600 of them left. Although they have been protected from hunting and on the Endangered Species list since 1984, pandas are still disappearing.

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Protect Deforestation

Deforestation is a major contributor to climate change, as forests and the many forms of life they support are important for carbon sequestration. Yet an estimated 13 million hectares of forest are cleared every year. So, if we want to minimize the negative impacts of climate change, reducing the amount of forest that is destroyed annuallyshould be a priority.

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